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I know that I speak for everyone when I say that the training was a great success. Rita Cabaço did a phenomenal job and we are all very pleased with the content of the training and its usefulness in our jobs and everyday lives. This was a “5 star” training activity.

 Teacher, international school, Portugal

A certified programme on Emotional Intelligence by the SIY Leadership Institute, delivered in a two-day interactive, highly dynamic in-person workshop.


For a preview of the workshop programme, watch this video of the webinar on the same subject.

Emotional Intelligence – the ability to perceive, use, understand and manage emotions – is increasingly regarded as a plus in a teacher’s qualifications, the recovery from the harm caused by the Covid-19 pandemic to the well-being of the educational community has made it critically important.

The “Search Inside Yourself” programme covers the essentials of Emotional Intelligence. It was developed and tested at Google with the support of leading experts in neuroscience, and will be delivered by facilitators certified by the SIY Leadership Institute, an independent non-profit organization.

You believe that the ability to constructively manage your emotions is paramount to your success as an educator and a leader. You strive to align your values with your work and to be authentic and empathetic in your rapport with young people and other adults. You would welcome an opportunity to develop your emotional self-awareness, your empathy and your mindfulness.

At the end of this programme, you will have developed reliable approaches to improve your intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, including self-awareness and concentration, self-management, empathy and mindful communication, as well as stress management and resilience.

Emotional Intelligence: definition, benefits and how to develop it. Fundamentals of neuroscience and mindfulness.

Self-Awareness: definition and how we can develop this key foundation domain of Emotional Intelligence.

Self-Management: how to skilfully manage one’s intense or persistent emotions and move from reaction to constructive action.

Motivation: aligning values with work, setting goals and developing resiliency to recover from setbacks.

Interpersonal skills:  why awareness of others/empathy is important for working together and how to cultivate it. Leading with compassion (ourselves and others).

Leadership: integrating all domains of Emotional Intelligence to communicate with insight.

This is a highly dynamic workshop, laden with exercises, group discussions, practice of and analysis of specific situations and self-assessments and other opportunities for interaction as well as reflection.

This workshop is being offered in a distance learning format, with a total duration of 15 hours spread over six 2.5 hour sessions.

Rita Cabaço, Search Inside Yourself Certified Teacher.

This is a distance learning session.

January 10, 2022

Participation is subject to invitation and group sizes are limited to ensure maximum effectiveness and learning outcomes. Please contact us to let us know of your interest (use the red button at the top of the page).

IP   |  09:00-17:30 WET  |  Apr 28-29  |  Lisbon-Cascais

IP   |  09:00-17:30 WET  |  May 19-20 |  Lisbon-Cascais

IP   |  09:00-17:30 WET  |  Jun 02-03  |  Lisbon-Cascais

DL – distance learning
IP  –  in person